SMU Faculty Writing Fellowship

Kate Engle teaching


The CPH supports scholars at its home institution of Southern Methodist University who are at the Associate Professor rank and who are working on a book manuscript project. The SMU Writing Fellowship provides that scholar a one-semester sabbatical from teaching during the final stages of their project.


 Sabri Ates The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism: 1880 Shaikh Ubeidullah Uprising (Spring 2025)

Jill KellyMobilizing Knowledge: An Intellectual History of Rural Women's Organizing Apartheid South African (2022)

Erin HochmanGermany Unbound: The Politics of German Diaspora in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich

Dan Orlovsky -  A History of the Russian Provincial Government of 1917
(Spring 2020)

Alexis McCrossen -  Time's Touch Stone: The New Year in American Life
(Spring 2019)

Ed Countryman -  Distinctive Nation: A Colonial Situation, a Revolution, and the Fate of the American Republic
(Fall 2018)

Kathleen Wellman -  Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Spring 2018)

Crista DeLuzio -  Brothers and Sisters: Sibling Relations in American Culture at the Turn of the Century
(Spring 2017)

Kate Carté Engel - The Cause of True Religion
(Spring 2016)

Sabri Ates - In the Name of the Nation and the Caliph: The Sheik Ubeidullah Rebellion of 1880
(Spring 2015)

Melissa Dowling - The Cult of Isis and the Suffering Heroine: Heliodorus’ Aithiopika
(Spring 2014)

Thomas Knock - The Rise of Prairie Statesman: The Life and Times of George McGovern