Workplace Violence Assessment Team at SMU

The Workplace Violence Assessment Team shall meet as necessary to assess cases involving university faculty, staff and others whose behavior is considered potentially threatening, violent, or harmful to themselves or others.  After evaluation the situation, the Team will recommend appropriate responses in accordance with SMU Policies.

Assessment Response Model

INPUT  •Receive reports from internal or external sources
•Identify required team members
•Gather additional information if needed

ASSESS   •Review reports
•Review relevant policies/procedures
•Evaluate risk using applicable assessment tools and best practices
•Choose appropriate action in accordance with SMU Policy

 ACT •Gain appropriate approval from senior leadership if needed
•Communicate plan to individuals directly involved and implement
•Document all steps in the process
•Evaluate effectiveness of plan


The Team is comprised of, at a minimum, individuals from the following offices:

  • Office of the Provost
  • Office of Police and Risk Management
  • Office of Legal Affairs
  • Department of Human Resources
  • Other areas, identified as necessary

Additional Information: